Unknown facts about seven wonders of modern world

New Seven Wonders
Wonders of the world 

New 7 wonders of the world was a campaign started in 2000 to choose wonders of the world from a selection of 200 existing monuments. The popularity poll via free web-based voting and small amounts of telephone voting was led canadian swiss Bernard weber and organized by the New 7 wonders foundation based in Zurich, Switzerland, with winners announced on 7 july 2007 in Lisbon at Estàdio da Luz.

The seven winners were chosen from 21 candidates, which had been whittled down from 77 choices by a panel in 2006.The new 7 wonders foundation, established in 200, relied on private donations and the sale of broadcast rights and received no public funding. After the final announcement, New 7 wonders said it did not earn anything from the exercise and barely recovered it's investment. 

1. Chichen Itza 

It is situated in Yucatan, Mexico. Chichen Itza translates to " At the mouth of the well of Itza". Believed to be the largest Mayan city ever built, the centre of the Chichen Itza comprises El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan. Many travellers aver that the sites in Chichen Itza are known for their unusual sounds. If you clap once from one end of the Ball Court, it reverberates and creates nine  in the middle of the court. A clap in front of the Kukulkan Pyramid creates an echo resembling the serpent's chirp.

2. Christ the redeemer

It is situated at the summit of Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Christ the Redeemer is a massive statue of Jesus Christ, built with concrete in 1931 and has 6.2 million soapstone tiles on it. It took 11 years to complete the statue.

The statue is 125 feet tall, excluding the 22 feet pedestal on which it stands, and 92 feet wide. It is as tall as the mountains surrounding it. Once during a storm, a lightning bolt struck the thumb of Christ's hand, and till now the statue is thumbless.

 3. Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure in the world (the wall is 13,171 miles long).  The Great Wall stretches across 15 northern Chinese provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, from the Bohai Sea in the east to the Gobi Desert, 2,500 kilometers away in the west

Scientists have found human body remains in this wall and this has proved that the wall was made by several generations. The wall took a total of 2,000 years to build. It is a myth that the Great Wall of China can be seen from outer space. It certainly isn't visible from the moon.

4. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the most popular tourist location in the century of Peru. It was built in 1450 and was abandoned after about a century. It was declared a UNESCO Heritage site in 1983.

It was built with dry stone walls and spans an area of 80,536 acres or approximately 353 square kilometres. It is among the top 100 endangered places and is under threat of destruction by earthquakes.

5. Petra

Petra is located in southern Jordan, specifically in the Ma'an Governorate. This ancient city is situated in a basin among the mountains that form the eastern flank of the Arabah Valley, running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. This ancient city in Jordan was found by a Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig, in the year 1812. A very interesting fact about this place is that the bigger half of the city is carved out of a single huge rock.

Imagine all of that! It must be so beautiful! It's also called Rose City as the rock it was carved from was in pink colour. A part of the Hollywood blockbuster movie- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed in Petra because of its beautiful architecture.

6. Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal has 4 minarets/towers on it's four corners. If you notice, all the minarets slant a bit. They were built that way so that if there is an earthquake, the towers will fall away from the main sculpture. It is situated in Agra, India.

Since the Taj Mahal is made of pure white marble, different coloured lights are used to show the monument in different colours at different times of the day. Beautiful natural colours such as pink, blue, orange, reddish, and yellow are used during different times of the day.

7. The Colosseum

The original name of the Colosseum was Flavian Amphitheatre.It is situated in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum is huge, has 80 entrances, and can host around 65,000 people at a go in its stands.

The Colosseum is still the World's largest amphitheatre and was built in just 9 years from 72 AD to 81 AD by about 60,000 slaves. There are tunnels and chambers under the arena floor, to store slaves and animals.

The New Seven Wonders of the World represent a legacy of human ingenuity and cultural achievement. Selected through a global poll, these monuments symbolize our shared heritage and the enduring impact of ancient civilizations. Their recognition highlights the universal appreciation for architectural and artistic marvels that continue to inspire and connect people worldwide.

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